Incorrectly Installed Water Heater Caused Fatal Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Evergreen State College
13 March 2024, Washington – An Washington State Patrol (WSP) investigation has found that an incorrectly installed water heater caused the fatal carbon monoxide poisoning accident at Evergreen State College.

In a press release on Wednesday, March 13 2024, Evergreen staff wrote that they had received an initial briefing from WSP about the cause of the fatal carbon monoxide accident, which took the life of Evergreen student Jonathan Rodriguez and led to the hospitalization of two other students and a college police officer. Read More…
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless toxic gas. In the United States alone, the CDC states that every year carbon monoxide poisoning not linked to fires leads to over 50,000 Americans going to the emergency room, with around 15,000 being hospitalized and as many as 500 deaths.
Generators, car engines, air conditioning systems, boilers, ovens and other equipment where combustion takes place can cause carbon monoxide exposure when used incorrectly and/or in the wrong environment, or if it is not properly maintained.
Please see our simple safety advice on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the very real dangers of carbon monoxide.
Or, click here and complete our short contact form if you or someone you know has suffered carbon monoxide poisoning and need advice on whether you may have grounds to claim compensation from those responsible.
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