We are a group of experts, doctors and carbon monoxide lawyers who specialize in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning cases. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is the leading cause of poisoning morbidity and mortality in the US. You may have been subjected to low levels of carbon monoxide over a prolonged period or a sporadic event that is not your fault. It maybe the case that you have suffered long term damage from the effects of carbon monoxide that was not your fault. We have an attorney in your state we work from Washington to Washington.
A carbon monoxide Injury can be caused by a long term exposure to levels that will not cause your alarm to sound but may still cause long term damage to you health. Levels of up to 50 Parts Per Million can cause long term health effects that may never go away. If you live in rented accomodation your landlord has a duty of care to make sure you live in a safe environment if you are subsequently poisoned he is likely to be at fault from a faulty applience. You may have a case against anyone who has allowed this to happen. If you have a carbon monoxide related injury, please watch the video and fill in the form, We will respond if I think you have a case.
Alternatively you can call us toll free 1-888-414-8680. We will normally answer within 12 hours but we will answer emails much quicker. email rob@carbonmonoxidekills.com
Legal Advice in Washington for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
If you, your family or your friends have been affected by carbon monoxide, we can help you. Through our network of legal and medical professionals in Washington we can locate the appropriate help quickly and effectively. You exposure does no have to be recent for you to benefit from this service.
Advice – What are your rights? What can be done? Who can you turn to?
Support – We can help you contact people in Washington and other states, who have had the same experiences. A private support group, people who understand.
The Types of Claims that we have come across are:
- Poisoning at work
- Carbon monoxide Poisoning in a Hotel
- Carbon monoxide poisoning in a rented apartment
- Poisoning by a Coleman type heater
- Poisoning in a truck or other motor vehicle
- Carbon monoxide poisoning at a leisure center, swimming pool, spa bath
- Gas powered hot water heater
- Propane gas heater
Your Details
Carbon Monoxide Lawyers in Washington.
We need to get in touch with US legal firms in Washington and UK lawyers who can offer good legal advice to the public about Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
Please contact us here if you can help.